2nd July 2018

HABEGGER celebrates its anniversary


At the end of June 2018, HABEGGER will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its founding. Today, the company is synonymous with a diverse range of motor-driven rope pulling machines, which are colloquially referred to as ‘Habeggers’ in German. From a marketing perspective, this represents the ultimate accolade. However, HABEGGER also has much more to offer.

‘Habegger is another term for a grip hoist’ according to the German version of Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. If you have managed to make your company name synonymous with a product, you surely deserve a pat on the back. But neither the founder, Willy Habegger, nor his successor, Peter Habegger, was content to rest on his laurels. Instead, they continued to refine their portfolio of products and services. Today, HABEGGER is a one-stop shop for the whole spectrum of wire rope hoisting equipment and – in the world of hoisting and conveying technology – is synonymous with innovative products that deliver high added value for customers. In addition, the company offers a wide range of personal safety equipment for fall prevention, as well as workshops and refresher courses.

The company’s in-house expertise is also sold to third parties through services in the areas of manufacturing, servicing, repair, maintenance and engineering in order to make optimum use of capacity. Furthermore, the company is constantly developing digital innovations such as the HABEGGER Safety System (HSS) to ensure the functional reliability of devices in customer use.

The company’s takeover by Jakob AG in Trubschachen, Switzerland, in 2016 gave HABEGGER Maschinenfabrik AG access to attractive synergies and new markets, which it will now gradually tap into over the coming years.