5th December 2018

Real action men have their own HABEGGER 


«Dude, you need this, even if you’re the strongest man on the scene! There is always a reason and occasion to use multipliable drawing and lifting forces» writes Rolf Deilbach in his ultimate must-have guide «99 Things for Real Action Men». And he particularly recommends our HABEGGER HIT-10.

DMAX is a TV channel for men. It focuses on action, adventure and lifestyle – real entertainment for real action men. Here, we can see gold being washed, screws being tightened, tuning, speeding, crashes, hunts, searches, deals and dreams. «99 Things for Real Action Men» is the book accompanying the channel. Here, the author presents a selection of the best lifestyle products for men. And in his opinion – which we share 100 percent – this includes the HABEGGER HIT-10. You don’t need to own a forest with wood to be harvested – it could be enough to occasionally have to move bulky loads around the 300kg mark from A to B. Instead of hiring expensive professionals, you should use your own HABEGGER HIT 10 to move a few trees after a storm or to free a car, which has gone off the road, or to move a few rocks in the garden. The perfect and resilient HABEGGER HIT 10 has been delivered to enthusiastic experts around the world from Thun for decades. Rolf Deilbach recommends that all DIY enthusiasts, who have so far not thought about buying a cable winch, should close this gap before an acute need arises. He confirms that owning a cable winch can be extremely reassuring. Thank you Mister Deilbach – we can only but confirm this.



Rolf Deilbach: «99 Things for Real Action Men » 

Pietsch Publishers, Stuttgart, 2018

ISBN 978-3-613-50864-4