
Good things stay – the location changes

Since the options for the implementation of the strategy and development are no longer given at the
Mittleren Strasse 66 in Thoune, HABEGGER Maschinenfabrik AG, has been looking for a new location.

We are building a new company headquarter adjacent to the mother house, Jakob AG, www.jakob.com.
This brings the rope and hoists even closer. The spatial connection to Jakob AG offers further synergies which will
benefit you, dear customer.

The new buildig (in red) will give us the opportunity to refine and optimize our internal processes from production to
logistics. This may have a positive effect on increasing efficiency and optimizing delivery times.

We will be at the new location no later than January 1st, 2020. In the meantime we have a lot to plan and
organize so that we can continue to serve you reliably as usual during the transition period.

Neuer Standort Firma HABEGGER Maschinenfabrik AG ab 01. Januar 2022, Dorfstrasse 34, CH-3555 Trubschachen

Groundbreaking is scheduled for August 2020.

We keep you up to date on further developments and the progress in construction of the building.

Your HABEGGER Maschinenfabrik AG